Congratulations to everyone.....
World's largest festival of democracy is over &
strongest statesman of the world is at center again- So let’s find out what we
can learn from this biggest democratic festival of the word’s
1. When it's about nation: Support the Nation.
2. When it's about army: Support Soldiers, they fight unconditionally.
3. When so many social schemes are on ground: don't say "Kya Kiya".
4. When institutions are working, to hide your
inefficiencies: don't blame them.
5. Every success has a very hard work in the back ground. Don’t fall prey in short cuts.
6. A proper machinery, man power, planning and other
resources are required. You can’t get a success
without all these basics.
7. When democracy is prevailing: don't spoil image of nation on foreign soil.
8. When secularism is prevailing: don't coin word intolerance to appease communities.
9. When nation is rated as emerging global powers: don't say it's fudged analysis by rating
10. When leader is working with integrity: don't say he is corrupt without any concrete evidence.
11. When positivity prevails: don't spoil your image by talking or supporting negatives.
12. When victory is inevitable: respect the verdict unconditionally.
13. When in debate a friend gets annoyed: wait patiently, better sense will prevail,
than leaving him.
14. When some sensitive topic about the history is being
discussed, don’t talk casually “Jo Hua
So Hua.”
15. Understand what your customers expect from you and Deliver those without demand.
16. This is 21st Century, Technology plays
important role. Do not underestimate the
power of Social Media.
Jai Hind. Jai Bharat.