Saturday, 17 December 2016

How to select right mutual fund based on our specific investment needs

Mutual Funds are for everyone and they can cater all kind of requirements. The selection of mutual fund schemes should be based on investment goals. For each investment goal, we should identify the following:-
  1. What is the Investment Objective? Capital appreciation or Income generation.
  2. What is the Time horizon to achieve the goal? Short term, Medium term or long term, in years.
  3. Investor’s risk tolerance level and appetite for volatility
  4. Investment style? Is it passive or active, and how much time can be devoted to manage the investments
  5. Liquidity needs
In this post, we will discuss on how to construct a optimum mutual fund portfolio based on these considerations. Of the various investment goal related factors, as mentioned above, investment horizon and risk tolerance are interlinked. In general, the shorter the investor's horizon, the less risk an investor should be willing to accept. However, within the same investment horizon, the degree of risk tolerance may be different for different investors.
Let us discuss the various investment options in mutual funds depending on the investment horizon and risk tolerance levels.

·        Investment Horizon less than one year:
If we need to park our cash for just a few months, then we should look at liquid funds, ultra-short term debt funds and arbitrage funds. If we need our funds within one to three months, then you should go for liquid funds. Or If we can wait for 3 to 6 months, then we should go for ultra-short term debt funds. Ultra-short term gives slightly higher returns than liquid funds, but they may be volatile in the very short term (1 to 3 months). Withdrawals from liquid funds are processed within 24 hours on business days Now many mutual funds offer instant redemption (within an hour) upto certain amount (normally upto Rs. 2 lakhs). Therefore, other than the funds we need for our day to day expenses and we can park our surplus cash in liquid or ultra short term debt fund. If an investor is in the highest tax bracket, arbitrage funds could be more tax efficient investment options. Liquid fund returns will be taxed at applicable income tax rate, for investment holding period of less than 3 years. Arbitrage funds returns, on the other hand, for an investment holding period of less than a year will be taxed at 15%. For example, if an investor is in the 30% tax bracket, if an arbitrage fund gives you an annualized return of 7%, while a liquid fund gives you a return of 8%, Still you will be better, from a post tax perspective, investing in the arbitrage fund.

·        Investment Horizon from 1 year to 3 years:
If we can remain invested for one to two three year time horizon, investing in short term income and credit opportunities funds are good investment options. Short term bond funds invest in Commercial Papers (CP), Certificate of Deposits (CD) and short maturity bonds/debentures etc. The average maturities of the securities in the portfolio of short term bond funds are in the range of 2 – 3 years. These funds run predominantly on accrual (hold to maturity) strategy and hence the interest rate risk is low. In the current interest rate scenarios these funds are giving around 8 to 9% returns. However, if yields decline then the returns will be lower. Credit opportunities fund are similar to short term debt funds. However in Credit Opportunities funds, the fund managers lock in a few percentage points of additional yield by investing in slightly lower rated corporate bonds. The average maturities of the bonds in the portfolio of credit opportunities funds are in the range of 2 – 3 years. The fund managers hold the bonds to maturity and so there is very little interest rate risk. Good credit opportunities funds have given double digit returns in the recent past.

·        Investment Horizon from 3 to 5 years:
If our investment horizon is more than 3 years and have low risk tolerance levels then, then investors can look at fixed maturity plans. Fixed maturity plans (FMPs) are close ended schemes that aim to generate income for the investors in a fixed term. Generally FMPs have given better returns than bank fixed deposits even on a pre tax basis. On a post tax basis, FMP returns are even better compared to bank fixed deposits, because FMPs get indexation benefit on taxes. However, investors should note that since FMPs are close ended schemes, there is virtually no liquidity before the fixed term. If liquidity is an important consideration, then investors should opt for open ended income funds. Between FMPs and income fund, the predictability of returns is higher in FMPs. FMPs are particularly suitable, in a high interest regime environment, where you can lock in higher yields. On the other hand, if interest rates are falling, income funds are more suitable. Income funds invest in a variety of fixed income securities such as bonds, debentures and government securities, across different maturity profiles. Their investment strategy is a mix of both hold to maturity (accrual income) and duration calls. This enables them to earn good returns in different interest rate scenarios. However, the average maturities of securities in the portfolio of income funds are in the range of 7 to 20 years. Therefore these funds are highly sensitive to interest rate movements and are suitable for investors with low to moderate risk tolerance levels.
If we have slightly higher risk tolerance then, monthly income plans or Debt oriented balanced funds could be better option. Monthly income plans invest primarily in fixed income instruments, while maintaining a small allocation in equity instruments. They are suitable for investors with moderate risk tolerance, particularly retirees looking for regular income from their investments as well as a bit of capital appreciation.
Equity oriented Balanced funds on the other hand are suitable for investors, with a moderate to high risk tolerance level and a longer time horizon (4 years or more). These funds typically have 65 – 70% of the portfolio invested in equities and the rest in fixed income securities. These funds are suitable for investors, looking for capital appreciation, without assuming substantial risks on the capital invested. These funds are suitable for investors, who are 5 to 10 years away from retirement or other long term financial objectives. On a risk adjusted basis top performing balanced funds have delivered excellent returns compared to diversified equity funds.

·        Investment Horizon of more than 5 years:
 If our investment  horizon is say 5 to 10 years or more, and are willing to take more risks, then equity funds is the way to go. Investors should note that, equity as an asset class provides the highest returns in the long term. However, investors in equity funds do have to contend with volatility, which means that they cannot have a short time horizon. Top performing equity funds have given more than 15% compounded annual returns over the last 10 years, despite intervening bear market periods. Equity funds are suitable for long term financial objectives like, retirement planning, children’s education, children’s marriage, house purchase etc. There are a large number of investment options within equity funds like, large cap funds, multi cap funds, small & midcap funds, diversified equity funds, Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), Sector or thematic based funds etc. What option is suitable for an individual depends on his/her personal situation, however, we will discuss several considerations which may help you make the appropriate choice:-
·       Many investment experts believe that diversified equity funds, also known as flexicap or multicap funds, comprising of stocks across different market capitalization segments, are the best long term investment options for financial objectives like, retirement planning, children’s education, children’s marriage, house purchase etc. Diversified equity funds carry slightly more risk than large cap funds, but also give higher returns, compared to large cap funds. At the same time, they are not as volatile as small and midcap funds.

·        If tax saving is a consideration, then ELSS is the option. Under Section 80C of Income Tax Act, investment in ELSS up to Rs 1.5 lakh (subject to the overall limit within Section 80C) is eligible for deduction from the taxable income and therefore will qualify as tax saving investment. ELSS funds have a lock in period of 3 years from the date of investment, and therefore will have an impact on the liquidity considerations. While tax saving is a big benefit for ELSS investors, these funds have given excellent returns, over various long term investment.

·    Large cap funds, which comprise mainly of large cap stocks, have the lowest risk among equity funds categories. Large cap funds, to some extent, limit downside risks in bear market conditions. However, in the Indian market context, large cap fund performance is more sensitive to FII activity than small and midcap funds. In fact, in the market correction over the past 10 months, large cap funds have underperformed small and midcap funds.

·        Small and midcap funds are inherently more risky than large cap and diversified equity funds. But these funds have the potential to give higher. However, it is important to ensure an optimal balance, consistent with an individual’s risk tolerance profile, between large, mid and small cap segments in the investment funds should constitute, only a portion of  equity funds portfolio. Though there are no hard and fast rules for allocations to midcap funds, there are some broad guidelines (subject to the personal financial situation and the risk tolerance level of the individual investor):-
o   Very aggressive risk tolerance: 40% large cap / diversified equity and 60% small & midcap
o   Aggressive risk tolerance: 50% large cap / diversified equity and 50% small & midcap
o   Less aggressive risk tolerance: 70% large cap / diversified equity and 30% small & midcap

In this post, we have discussed how we can construct a proper mutual fund portfolio, based on the investment horizon of our various investment goal related factors. A thoughtfully constructed investment portfolio will ensure success in meeting our financial objectives. However as every individual is different and has different needs it is always advisable to discuss with your financial advisor, what investment options are suitable to meet the objectives in your financial plan.

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