Friday, 10 February 2017

Long Term Investment is MARATHON: Be disciplined, steady and have proper goal in mind

We see many marathons around the country at this time of the year (genrally in January/February) where professional runners and common people both run marathons and half marathons in cities across the country. There are many similarities between long distance running and executing long term financial plans. As we understand “Long term wealth creation is not like 100-200 meters sprint where someone starts with a bang will win also. It's like marathon, which should be executed over years in a very systematically manner”.
For marathons or any long distance running it is said “when the going gets tough, tough gets going“. In some cases, this holds true for long term investing as well. Like in marathon for investments also there are certain parameters which should be kept in mind while making investments. These are:

In marathon the goal for a runner running a marathon or a half-marathon is to run the full course, that is to run the 42-km long stretch in one go and not to get down in between.
Similarly in Investments the investor should first prioritise the long term financial goals. For example the goals could be, children's education and their marriage, buying a house or own retirement etc. Like we cannot reach a destination if we don’t know where to reach similarly without goals achieving them is also not possible.

In Marathon the runner starts slowly, runs 4-5 kms daily during initial days and increases the distance slowly every time so that the body gets used to the distance.
In long term investments also an investor should start investing with small amounts. He should regularly invest every month and then increase the monthly investment amount as the income increases.
For long term investments a systematic investment plan (SIP) in a mutual fund scheme works in the same way in which one could start with as low as Rs 500/1000 per month and increase the monthly investment amount every year or as and when the investor's income increases.

In Marathon when the runner gets used to the surface (plain area/ field) on which he is running, then the trainer pushes the runner to change the surface. From plain surface, the runners then starts running on uphill and downhill roads, on sands and other surfaces also so as to make himself ready to face different environments/scenario.
In Investments also normally financial planners advise an investor to start investing in a simple and less risky products, say a mutual fund scheme working of which he could understand easily.
Once the investor gets used to about how the scheme works and gains confidence, then his financial advisor advises the investor to invest in some other schemes which are slightly more complicated/ risky and may have different style of workings/ return potential.

In the Marathon during the race, there could be various ups and downs but the runner has to be prepared to face then and overcome all such obstacles and complete the course.
In investing also an investor who is aiming to generate wealth in the long term, has to be ready to face the markets short term ups and downs, which are referred as volatility. When an investor is investing for building his retirement corpus, he should stick to that goal even during volatile market phases. Here the focus should be long term and should avoid the urge for instant profits for long term rewards.

For a marathon runner, It is very important to maintain a steady pace through the 42-km run. Its not advisable to start at a very high speed and spend the full stamina at the beginning itself.
Similarly for long term wealth creation too one should never start with a large sum of money. Even if one has a large amount at his disposal for investing, it's always advisable to put the money in a liquid fund and start an systematic transfer plan so that the whole system works like an SIP from a liquid fund. This way the investor spreads out the risks and averages out his cost of acquisition.

A Marathon runner needs to check if he is running at regularly that whether it is as per the plan. And if it is not then he may have to change the pace/plan.
In Investments also during the financial journey, the investor also needs to review his financial plan. And in case it is found that they are off track he needs to rebalance to bring it on track.

During the race, a marathoner should never try to increase his pace suddenly and start running very fast. They are trained for long distance runs to maintain a steady pace which he is able to maintain throughout the race. They are allowed only minor variations in speed but not very significant variation.
Similarly for long term investments, investor should avoid the short-term attractiveness of trading on tips and market information. Tips could earn fast bucks, but it's almost impossible to successfully make money by trading on tips. So long term investors should avoid the lure of trading on tips.

In long distance runs like marathons, the runner should not stop immediately even after completing the marathon, He should run slowly for some short distance and then rest.

Similarly for long term investing an investor should not withdraw at once but slowly transfer the money from equity to debt based products and then he may take out the money slowly form there.

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