Saturday, 5 November 2022

Health and Wealth have a lot of Similarities

Do you know that being healthy also makes us wealthy? There are a lot of similarities between being healthy and being wealthy. Let us find out about those and understand how to make them our habits.


1. To be healthy we need to do regular exercise/yoga etc.

To be wealthy we need to invest regularly


2. Taking out little time for daily exercise/yoga etc can make a significant difference in our health

Taking out a small amount from our income and investing it in a proper way can make a significant difference in our wealth.


3. To be healthy we need to eat healthy foods

To be wealthy we need to invest in good and regulated investment instruments


4. To be healthy we should refrain from overeating

To be wealthy we should control unnecessary expenses


5. To remain healthy we have to follow good habits not once but always

To remain wealthy we need to invest continuously


6. To be healthy we should avoid junk foods

To be wealthy we should avoid junk/risky instruments (unregulated/cryptocurrencies etc)


7. Most of us like sweets and spicy food which makes our taste-buds feel good but not good for our health.

Similarly, we get excited in equity/derivatives/crypto/forex trading etc, but actually may not be good for our wealth.


8. When we are healthy we save our money and time spent on Doctors, hospitals, and medicines

When we are wealthy we save our time and money on high-interest loans, visiting banks/Finance Companies, negotiating for loans, etc


9. Being healthy does not mean we can’t get ill, but the chances of diseases may be lower and recovery time could be faster.

Being wealthy does not mean you can’t have financial difficulties but if we manage our finances properly getting out of those situations will be easier and faster.


10. Being healthy today does guarantees that we will remain healthy forever, and for that we need to continue with our good lifestyle habits of food/exercise/yoga etc.

Being Wealthy today does not guarantee that we will remain wealthy forever, for that we need to continue with our good habits of regular and right investment options etc.


Wishing you a healthy and wealthy life….

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