We all want in our heart that our children should
become responsible adults, without facing any hardships due to their
ill-thought out actions that results in regret and remorse. So how should we
make them more sensible and literate about money and make them mature enough to
handle it more sensibly. In this post we will discuss few important points
which can be taken up during the teenager time of our children and help them to
become a responsible person in future.
1. The kids grew in the family so the first lesson
towards money is also learnt in the family environment. If we deliberate and
discuss the merits of every financial decision with other family members, our
kids will also pickup this habit. We should make them understand that money is
a limited source and we should be avoiding impulsive buying or swiping credit
cards carelessly. Be careful and clear why we are buying anything. For kids we may fix a monthly allowance and
stick with it to make them understand the meaning of budget and spending within
their means.
2. As money is a limited source so we should also
plan it properly. Making budget a joint affair with all family members
will make them understand the value of money and the limitations we have
towards spending it. During this exercise we will make them aware the
priorities of various expenses and how should we allocate funds towards them.
They will understand the importance and difference between various expenses i.e.
food, basic amenities over discretionary/leisure items as costly electronic
3. Let the kids also maintain their own income
and expense records and we may check it once in a while. This will help
them to review their past expenses and correct the unnecessary things on
regular basis. Nowadays many online apps are available which can be very handy
for this.
4. Encourage our kids to do some works (howsoever small or menial it is) if they need
more money for buying luxury items so as to make them understand the importance
of work and value of money.
5. Make them value others money also. Encourage them to pool money for joint expenses
like eating out with friends so that everyone contributes and values others
money. This will help them to take joint decisions in equitable manner which is
good for everyone and does not becomes a burden for few.
6. We should guide them about few basics of
banks and finances. Open their own bank accounts and let them learn basics
of banking like doing banking transactions, using ATM/Debit cards or online
transaction with proper safety. This will make them more confident and also
make them understand how different system works.
These small habits will make them
self-independent and help them to become a responsible person in future while
they grow older and have their own families.
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