Saturday, 8 September 2018

Investments Sahi Hai Par Financial Advisor Jaruri Hai

This week many of us have paid respects to our teachers on the occasion of teacher’s day. Most of us will agree that teachers are very important in everyone’s life. Many of us will also agree that whatever we are today, our teachers have played a great role on this. Even in sports also every player thanks his/her coach after winning. Similarly our parents and elders have advised us on various stages of our lives since our childhood and many people also have gurus or mentors who have given a direction to their lives.

In this age of internet and especially the Google, anything and everything is available on a click of a button. So whether we want to buy something or invest or even want to cure for a disease it is just a click away. But is it really workable; think about this—can we cure ourselves by googling except may be a basic problem like cold and will that be right? Similarly, for investing, while we may have an idea about the type of investment to own, most of us lack insight and expertise.

Let us understand the reasons why we should have financial advisors:

1.    Investment products are becoming more dynamic and complex. Two decades back we use to have few products like Bank FDs, PPF and Post Office Saving products etc. That time the investment decision revolved mainly around comfort with the bank, rate of return and tenor of the investment. However, now there are so many options that selecting the right option itself is a tedious job. For example in mutual funds there are equity-Large, Multicap , Mid cap, small caps, thematic, tax savings etc, hybrid, dynamic asset allocation, arbitrage funds, debt funds- liquid, duration , credit risk funds etc. Further there are different PMS products, derivatives, direct equity, insurance, Alternate Investment Funds etc. So what is right for one person may not be suitable for the other. Just by googling it may not give you what actually fits in your specific requirements.

2.   Another important point which we should always keep in mind is that investing is not just about making money but also about avoiding mistakes. While taking investment decisions we often get influenced by emotions, past experiences, advice from friends/relatives and our own attitudes etc. During negative markets, most common cognitive bias of investors are loss aversion, panic sell, and herd mentality. Many of us have heard how people were crazy in equity market investing during 2007 and early 2008 and then the panic sale in late 2008. People have invested in real estate market in 2010-13 with the hope of 2005-10 kind of bull return but actually landed up in no return assets. An advisor can actually help the investors in those times to see beyond the current hype and help him to take a rational decision.

3.  We should understand that investment is not one time decision but a lifelong process and is different for every individual. A person stars investing when he/she starts working i.e. generally in mid 20s, and keeps on investing till he stops working i.e. retirement. As a person keeps on investing for his entire working life similarly he needs constant advice and different strategies for different life-stages. Every individual have different income/expenses/requirements, risk appetite and cash flows and accordingly his investing requirements also differ and needs to be customized base on his own specific need rather than a general solution.

4.      A Financial advisor not just helps an investor to take right decision about where to invest, when to invest, how much to invest and how long to invest but also performs various other things. Like keeping track of performance, analysing the funds doing asset allocation and rebalancing, risk profiling etc. He also helps in providing consolidated picture of investments, taxation and capital gain calculations and to keep the record in proper and systematic way.

Every profession needs its own expertise and no one other understands their roles & responsibilities better than the one who is in charge of the respective role. Hence It will always be better if we spent more of our time in our primary roles rather than getting into some serious trouble by trying to save some money.

And lastly remember the youdh of Manabharata was won by Pandavs despite Kauravs have the biggest army and great warriors and this happen because they have the great advisor Shri Krishna.

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