Saturday, 15 December 2018

Should you invest Yourself or take an Expert’s help

In today’s world technology has made investing easy. Lot of information is available; in fact there is overload of information and also various online platforms provides smooth execution of investments. But should we invest on our own just because it is so simple?  It is a matter of investing your hard earned money to make it grow hence it would be wise to know that whether we can actually handle it properly. 

Let us understand the basic requirements which we are required for our own investing:

1. Do we know about various investment options and their pros & cons?

2. Can we analyse various investment options and their suitability for our own specific requirements?

3. Can we identify our various financial goals and the priorities and calculate the money required for fulfilling them?

4.  Can we link our financial goals with specific investment instruments based on time, risk and return perspective?

5. Do we have the courage and conviction to select the right investment options and stick with it during ups & downs in the financial markets?

6. Can we plan for emergencies and unforeseen events?

It is not the knowledge but the emotions which are difficult to control by most of the investors. There are lot of studies which shows that investors return is generally mower then the market returns as most of them enter/exit at wrong time. This is where financial advisers can help–providing dispassionate suggestions.

It is not necessary that everyone needs an advisor, those who have just started earnings and have small savings can do themselves by simple investments , however who have different goals and limitations in cash flow will be better off to take an experts advise to achieve their goals easily.

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